22 April 2008

Diabetes On Children

All this time, diabetes mellitus (DM) identically with genetic disease and just attacks they already get old age. But is in fact, Decameter can attack who only, unacquainted age and also economy state. Changing life style is one of causative factor in height current Decameter risk.

Diabetes consisting of two types, which is mellitus's diabetes type 1 (Type decameter 1) and mellitus's diabetes type 2 (Type decameter 2). Someone was said to suffer Decameter 1( Dependent's insulin Mellitus's diabetes ), if its body require insulin supply from outside undivided since pancreas cell cell that produktion can't insulin. Type decameter 1 because of factor genetis and also factor another pencetus. Type decameter 1 bobs up on childhood (under age 20 years), with phenomena
body weight
causeless down that clear, edge out played out , often urinates, and often perceive peckish or thirsty.

Meanwhile type Decameter 2, called also Non Insulin Dependent Mellitus's diabetes , happening if insulin supply at pancreas falls short so beget its invasive happening glucose dispatch go to all body cell, but its patient don't depend utterly on insulin supply from outside. About 90% diabetes cases are type Decameter 2. By And Large type Decameter 2 be not been espoused with specific phenomena, so a lot of patient that doesn't realise it. All this time, there are many that looks on that type Decameter 2 just suffered by them what do get old age , eventually now evident type Decameter 2 get to attack stripling circles, even children.

Body weight luxuriant and changing life style really as its happening causal factor Decameter. Research points out that four of five type Decameter patients 2 apparently experiences obesitas. Need acknowledged, about 80% striplings that obesitas tends will get mature that obesitas too. Meanwhile on children that suffers obesitas, about 30 40% the will be adults that also obesitas, accordingly even diabetes will easy get attacks.

This following many that tips children most dodge from obesitas what do can cause diabetes:
• Establishing menu 4 healthy 5 perfect with menu option varies that the child is not boring
• Giving healthy schooled stock on child
• Giving pengetahun nutrisi on child (as fast food ) so they want to avoid that food
• Teach sport routinely
• Providing snack that nutritive
Inuring set eating pattern, which is thrice big eating (morning, noon, and night) and little eating or snack within that time.