30 September 2009

Finding An Acne Treatment For You

No matter if you are a teenager or an adult, acne is an embarrassing thing to deal with. Even if you are the only one that notices the small marks, you may still suffer from lowered self esteem, and major amounts of self-consciousness whenever you go into public. Even if you don’t really mind what others think about you, you may want to get rid of the acne for professional reasons, or to increase your sex appeal to your significant other. No matter what your reason is for wanting the acne off of your face, you should look into some of the most popular acne treatments in order to get rid of it.

The most common form of acne treatment is a cream. Almost every major cosmetics company offers their own kind of cream that you rub on your face once, twice, or three times a day. These typically have good effects on your skin, but whether they work or not is entirely unique to your body and your acne. Try out a few different brands and see if you have good luck with any of them. If you have tried out several kinds of cream and have had no decrease in acne, then you should move on to other methods of treatment. It is no use sticking with something that obviously isn’t working.

If you are looking to take a step up and find something a little more complicated, you can get “suites” of treatments from some cosmetic companies. The process is different with every company. For example, you might have to spray your face with a misty product, swab it down with a special cloth, then rub lotion into your face and rinse it all off. These are generally more expensive than regular simpler lotions, and it is hard to say whether they are more effective. You will have to do some comparisons on your own and decide whether you think it is worth the extra money. Never spend too much on treatment – most of the time it simply isn’t worth it.

Another more radical form of treatment is to take acne shots. These shots are usually designed to dry out the skin around the area that they are injected into. Acne will disappear almost immediately, but you will have to cope with something that is arguably worse: dry skin. For the next few months after you get shots, skin all over your entire body will be dry, and possibly peeling. As long as you religiously apply lotion to keep your body moisturized, this won’t be too bad of an experience. It is definitely the most efficient way to get rid of acne.

Hopefully at least one of these treatments sounds attractive. If you use all of them and none of them work, then you could be dealing with something much more ominous than just simply acne. But the chances are that by using these, you will be able to completely rid yourself of the curse of acne, and become much more clean and pleasant looking. Just progress with caution and choose your treatment wisely. Treatments only work if you can stick with them, so choose something that fits the level of commitment that you are willing to make towards getting rid of your acne.
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28 September 2009

Exercise Can Act As A Memory Booster

Doctors are working to determine the benefits of exercise regiments benefits in improving cognition and reducing normal memory loss so that specific exercises can be assigned to improve memory. Adding to the long list of benefits that exercise provides to overall health and giving more reasons to get off of the couch and get active. Studies are now showing that physical activity reduces stress and anxiety disorders that contribute to many cognitive malfunctioning attributes as well as providing evidence that exercise may prevent or delay dementia. This is great news for the many people who want to preserve their mental clarity as they reach older ages.

Cognitive benefits of physical exercise for children and adults is not as clear as the benefits of exercise on the aging but it is a start in the search for finding answers to the question “why do people forget things.” The studies indicate that exercises will ameliorate the effects of aging on the brain reducing a normal age-related decline in cognitive functioning. Cognitive functions such as planning, organization and working memory are achieved through simple measure such as increased confidence in abilities with older adults and with younger adults in the same way. So if you have been feeling forgetful or slow to process simple things, it could be that you are not getting enough exercise.

Physical activity is a catalyst to increasing and maintaining proper mental processes. Therefore it can be said that some lifestyle changes may improve cognitive functioning. Studies indicate evidence that a healthy brain diet including foods rich in omega-3 fats, antioxidants, and low glycemic carbohydrates (whole grains), daily walks, relaxation exercises and mental exercises like crossword puzzles result in brain metabolism suggesting an increase in efficiency. Reducing blood pressure, weight and cholesterol and not smoking is important for brain health in all ethnic backgrounds. Even though countless studies make these suggestions it has not been established enough to recommend specific regimens for the desired results. Increasing brain cognitive functioning can be maintained throughout a person’s life by simply living life to the fullest and by continually learning new things. While depressed moods, anxiety, and other psychological illnesses can be associated with both poor emotional and cognitive health as well, exercise is the determining factor in most improved cases.

For older adults mental stimulation is important in preventing age related cognitive declining. Regular light exercises for the elderly such as brisk walks, swimming, and other full body exercises will help to maintain the mental performance, stamina, endurance allowing for better memory and all over mental functioning and less cognitive decline. Improved blood flow to the brain will undoubtedly provide amazing benefits and prevent mental deterioration by stimulating the growth of nerve cells in the region of the brain that handles memory functioning. However conclusive the studies may seem different methodologies make it extremely difficult to make any conclusive determinations in the relationship between exercise and mental fitness. It is conclusive that regular exercise is the best treatment for improvement in overall health and maintaining overall health.

So get up, stay busy, and learn something new always for good mental fitness. Many people say that they would like to get started with exercising, but they don’t have any opportunities to do so. The truth is that almost anything can be made into an exercise. Exercise is something that comes as a part of daily life, not something that you have to seek out. So, start getting in shape by doing the simple things, and then maybe you can progress to more strenuous activities. It could be a good idea to employ the help of a physical trainer who knows the human body very well and can help you to do what needs to be done. With the mental and physical benefits, there is no reason why you should not do so. Get started today.
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27 September 2009

Diet Is Important

Accomplishing your fitness goals is the goal when it comes to fitness. We all know by now that all foods are not created equally. The best of food sources is fruits and vegetables free from toxic by products and other negatives like saturated fats, high sodium, and nitrates. Years of research has repeatedly shown that grains, fruits and vegetables are the body’s preferred food sources for optimum performance. Full of nutrients that the body needs to heal itself and operate properly the top of the food pyramid will give you the most bang for your buck when it comes to essential nutrients.
Reasons to increase your intake of fruits and vegetables include, helping to supply our bodies with much needed energy, improving immunity to diseases, and overall mind health. Read on to find out how to take advantage of a great diet.

Much like a car your body is built for performance thus proper maintenance, fuel, and care is needed. Simple, right? Then why is it that increases in obesity and other diet related illnesses still exist in abundance. We just are not taking care to what it is that we are putting in our bodies and expecting results that are simply unrealistic. We need to be champions and caregivers to our bodies and perform the fundamentals of overall body care by committing to better diets for overall better health. Our choices in nutrition and level of activity are partially a learned behavior. We can learn to eat a variety of foods from all of the food groups to help maintain weight, increase cardiovascular fitness, and increase energy levels naturally. Lowering blood cholesterol can be accomplished by increasing your intake of whole grain foods; fish can decrease the risk of death from coronary artery disease. The benefits of a healthy well balanced diet are endless and should be taken very seriously for optimum health.

Base your food choices on these patterns:
• Lean meats and poultry without skin and added saturated and trans fats
• Low fat dairy products
• Low dietary cholesterol
• Cut back on added sugars
• Use little or no salt
• Drink in moderation
• And take care when eating out

Naturally these will be altered if you have any abnormal circumstances (for example, if you are very thin and you work out a lot, then you can ignore many of the rules related to fat and cholesterol, since your body can actually use them).

A healthy diet and life style will provide you with all of the energy, stamina, and endurance to met and exceed the challenges of everyday life. All you really need is provided by nature and at the top of the food pyramid in whole grains fruits and vegetables. So if you are trying to stay in shape, get in shape, maintain good shape or the like remember to handle your body like you handle the care of your automobile. Choose the right fuel to keep your engine running for a long time. Don’t shortchange yourself or your life by fueling your body with damaging food sources and other activities that will diminish your chances for a long healthy happy life.

These principles hold true for anyone in the world. Seniors will reap many benefits from healthy lifestyles, as will young people. Sometimes it can be hard to be sure what the best intake for your body is, but if you start experimenting with different diets you will surely be able to adjust the different levels to their ideal amounts. You can also consult the advice of a dietician or a doctor, or simply find a calculator on the internet that will tell you what kind of food you need to be eating. Once you have found something that works for you, stick with it for the rest of your life. You will be glad that you did.
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25 September 2009

Dealing With Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disease, meaning it gets worse and not particularly better over time. It affects the area of the brain that is involved in language, judgment, and behavior. This is the most common form of brain malfunctions or mental decline in older adults. Causing severe or mild memory loss, the adult may experience mood swings, personality changes, and the ability to think clearly, or even carry out normal daily routines without difficulty. The person’s brain is not so mixed up that the person does not realize that there is a problem, but in most cases it is the family member who first notices changes. Still unclear why these changes occur, doctors have developed treatments to assist with the symptoms of the disease.

Symptoms include memory loss, confusion of time and day, frequently getting lost in familiar places, or trouble with learning and processing new information. The person may have a hard time expressing himself and may act out of frustration. Development of seemingly strange or odd behaviors may occur, like withdrawing from family or paranoid episodes. If you have begun to notice similar odd behavior in an older relative or friend, you should consider Alzheimer’s as a very real possibility, though you should not panic or blow out of proportion. If it turns out that your worst expectations were true, then you will definitely be able to get the support and help that you need.

Forgetting how to perform basic tasks like washing clothes or bathing oneself will become increasingly common. It has been noted that some people with the disease in very late stages will forget how to walk and talk. As serious as this disease is, there is still no cure but quality of life can be maintained with the help of others. Keeping the person active by working on tasks that are easily completed and providing a safe environment under careful eye is the best way to ensure that they can still enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Treatments only include improving memory, dealing with behaviors that may develop and depressive medications. Older people with this disease are aware of what may be happening to them and can become saddened at their inability to perform basic tasks. Alzheimer’s is becoming an increasing problem with a rising rate of occurrence, because people are living longer and physically healthier lives.

Because caring for a person with this disease is both financially and emotionally draining, it is important that the caregiver seek as much assistance as is available. In the early stages of the disease decisions about making your home safe for the person, tailoring tasks for the person, an assisting the person will be of great importance. Monitoring behavior and constant checking of appliances used may be necessary. The person should begin planning for the future by handling all financial and final affairs while they still are able to think clearly and still make some decisions. Once driving privileges are revoked the person may need additional attention with dealing with immobility or simply grocery store runs and the like. Later stages will mainly be with behavior problems and tasking problems for the individual. This is draining on the care giver as it will require more time and emotional input. Thus, the caregiver must remember to care for themselves and seek as much support as possible. The main thing is to not give up hope and make the person quality of life good while maintaining your own health. Hang in there and try not to shoulder all of the responsibility by yourself. Enlist the help of family, friends, and those who may know the individual. All involved will need to lean on one another.

For more information and support related to Alzheimer’s disease, you should ask your doctor for information on any local support groups for people who have relatives afflicted with the disease. It is a great way to get rid of some of the stress that will surely accumulate.
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22 September 2009

Childhood Obesity And How To Combat It

This chronic condition has increased rapidly over the past years has finally gained national recognition. Many more children between the ages of two years old and five years old are already on there way to becoming the next generation of obese teens, and eventually obese adults and obese seniors. With obesity being one of the leading causes of morbidity, disability, discrimination, and employment problems, it has become one of the biggest public problems since tobacco use and exposure. Bad eating habits are not the only culprit, genetic diseases that can predispose children to become overweight cannot be forgotten. Diseases such as Bardet-Biedl syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome are common in obese children, however still playing a larger role in the general overall population is bad eating and exercise habits.

It is the hope of many health educators, and medical professionals from psychologists to medical doctors that increased public awareness and preventive policies will eventually improve the situation. Professionals are treating this as a major public health concern that is threatening to damage our most precious resources, the children. Introduction of healthy play, healthy food choices, and recreation that promotes physical activity is on the top of the list for discussion and plans of battling this epidemic. Having caretakers take pro active measures to keep the child on the right track and setting good examples are key elements to helping these children to learn a healthier behavior and attitude towards their own health.

The annual National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has come to the conclusion that as many as one third of U.S. children are overweight or at high risk for childhood obesity. The health problems that will begin to manifest themselves from the heavy weight of such young children will start kids down a road the problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and increased risks of diabetes. These are diseases usually reserved to adults, not children. Combating this troubling condition must however, begin at home with the caregivers for these children. Improving overall diet, not dieting, and exercise is the key to resolving the problem. Protecting children’s health now and in the future will depend greatly on education of parents and caregivers to implement healthy daily living strategies.

Preventing an at-risk child from becoming overweight can start a process of healthy and active lifestyles to ensure longevity and energy throughout the child’s life. Little things such as: not getting into power struggles with the child over food, never use food as a behavior modification tool, and setting a good example are some starting places. This only perpetuates the same behavior and may cause psychological behaviors that are unwanted. Critical commenting, and taunting rarely if ever handles the situation with a positive outcome. Emphasizing what’s positive and benefits of changing behavior can make all of the difference in the world. Just fostering the child’s natural inclination to please you, have fun, and explore are perfect opportunities to introduce fitness routines, and reduce such incidents like eating out of boredom. If these things are done with every child in danger of becoming obese, then the numbers suffering will likely decrease.

Therefore, you should always keep in mind the health of yourself and your children. By keeping in shape yourself and displaying a good diet, you can impress upon them the importance of being a health-oriented individual. These habits will stay with them for all of their lives. You will also have quite a few benefits from eating healthy and slimming down. If you shed your extra weight, you will feel much better about yourself. If you want to find out more information about how you should change your diet habits, you should go to your local library for a book about diet and health. You can also talk to your doctor if you want some recommendations that are specific for your current health.
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20 September 2009

Changing Your Habits To Help Back Pain

The back is probably the most used part of the body. No matter what you are doing, your back is probably doing a good amount of the work. Therefore it is no small wonder that back pain is so prevalent across the world. If you suffer from back pain, you are probably desperate for ways to relieve it. If you don’t suffer from back pain, you should do everything in your power to prevent it. Just follow some of these tips and change your daily habits to take some of the stress off of your back. You will be glad that you did when you have a perfectly healthy back thanks to your changes.

Hardly a day goes by when you don’t need to lift something. For these situations, there are a few really easy rules to remember. Always remember to bend your knees, and from a squatting position lift the item. Make sure that your back is arched to provide maximum power, and the item you are lifting is held as close to your body as possible. Lifting heavy items frequently causes injuries and back pain, and surprisingly proper technique is still mostly ignored. So if you use the same stance that is utilized by athletes in many different sports, you can provide great protection for your back.

As far as footwear goes, it is best to wear flat shoes. If you are a woman and you need to wear heels for whatever reason, then try to find heels that are fairly short (less than an inch). High heels cause your body to be unnaturally balanced, and this causes unnecessary strain in the back. Never sit in the same position for extended periods of time, even if required by your job. Get up as often as you can to walk around and stretch your muscles. If you are required to travel a lot in cars or planes, use this same method of getting up and walking around. It will make things much easier on your back and your body in general.

You should always look at your posture when you are sitting, standing, or laying down, Adjusting your position slightly could lead to a great advantage. It is good to always be on a firm surface when you are sitting or laying down. A firm mattress will provide you with good back support. Sleeping on your stomach is not a good idea since it stretches your back for the entire duration of your sleep. The best way to sleep is on your side. When sitting down, it is ideal to have an ergonomic chair to sit in so that your back is supported, straight and flat.

If some of these things have been unfamiliar to you, then you should take steps immediately to fix that. Back pain is extremely unpleasant, and if you want to continue to be healthy throughout your life then you will need to take steps today to keep your back supported and healthy. Talk to your doctor or visit a chiropractor to get personalized advice based on your body type and the current status of your back. Find out what you need apart from the things that I have gone over here. You will be glad that you did.
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19 September 2009

Cervical Cancer

The lower narrow portion of the woman’s uterus is called the cervix. This opening to the passageway is called the cervical canal. During a menstrual period the blood flows from the uterus through the canal and into the vagina. Producing mucus that helps sperm move from the vagina to the uterus, the cervix remains tightly closed. Knowing the exact function and location of the cervix will aid a lot as we discuss cervical cancer.

Cervical cancer is the formation of abnormal cells on the lining of the cervix. Normally as cells grow they divide, the old cells die, and new cells replace them. When the normal process by which cells divide goes wrong, masses of tissue known as tumors begin to grow. Benign tumors are not life threatening and normally can easily be removed permanently. They usually stay in one location and do not normally spread to other parts of the body. However, some tumors are malignant; these are the ones that are a lot more serious as they have the possibility of spreading and growing at alarming rates if not caught early. They are life threatening and can be removed but sometimes grow again. When these malignant tumors occur, they are known as cancer.

Risk factors that can contribute to the possibility of developing cervical cancer are infections. The main infection that causes cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus,
These are common viruses that are extremely contagious. It is estimated that most adults have at one time in their lives been infected with HPV because of coming into sexual contact with another person with the virus. It can cause changes to the cervix that will eventually turn into cancer, warts, or other uncomfortable and unpleasant problems. A weakened immune system will have the same affect n the cervix or women who have had many partners have a higher level of risk than those who have not. Sometimes normal aging is a factor, usually occurring in women over age 40.

Cancer that spreads from its place of origin to another part of the body the new tumor is identical to the original cell and therefore the cancer is the same no matter what part of the body it has spread to. For example: if a woman has cervical cancer that has spread to her breast we would not call this breast cancer but we would say that the cervical cancer cells are located in her breast. It would be treated as cervical cancer and not breast cancer. If a woman has symptoms arising from cervical cancer then she waited much too long. Regular screenings for cervical cancer is imperative as the cells can be prevented from forming into cervical cancer way before symptoms begin. Today the number of cases in the U.S. has been falling thanks to screening and early detection. Doctors recommend that regular PaP smear test are performed to find cervical cancer or abnormal cells that lead to cancer of the cervix. Early detection is the way to preventing this kind of cancer, it is treatable with a high rate of success, so get tested regularly to prevent this from becoming a big problem. It is hard to prevent diseases without living in fear, but as long as you are observant of signs, you will be able to reduce the risk of mortality.
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17 September 2009

Help For Depression

Everyone becomes down or sad at times. Life events, or just a bad day can sometimes make us upset, and small things like bad traffic can make us irritable. But when a person experiences constant feelings of sadness and irritability, is exhausted with little or no activity, decreases in social activity or participating in usually enjoyable activities, that person maybe depressed. Symptoms of a depressed person include low self esteem, changing or irregular sleeping patterns, or spending lots of time thinking about things that have gone wrong. At this point in time there is no one known cause for depression, however some theories and studies indicate that severe cases of depression stem from events such as financial problems, relationship troubles, or the loss of a loved one. Sometimes the person’s depression may stem from a trouble childhood or family conflict, especially ones that have to deal with parenting issues or between parents. Other times it could be a completely spontaneous mental problem that arises from seemingly nothing.

Women are twice as prone to depression as men. Women deal with more hormonal factors that give them a predisposition to becoming more likely to be depressed. Factors such as menstrual cycle, miscarriages, premenstrual syndrome and menopause all contribute to the increase in likelihood of a woman becoming depressed. Outside stressors and tensions of caring for children, overworking, and single parenthood is a definite factor in the episodes of depression in women as compared to men. That is not to say that men don’t experience their fair share of stresses. Many men become depressed when they go through issues such as family court, job layoffs, or other huge disappointments.

Although there is no conclusive tests to diagnose depression, a good assessment of a person’s family history or inquires involving physical or chemical abuses that may contribute to the patient’s current mood. Once a diagnosis of some form can be completed most doctors will attempt to treat the depression with medications therapy or a combination of both. The importance of treatment should be stressed as a person who goes without treatment may experience continued negative affects in normal daily functioning, or even violence. Suicide attempts or trying to hurt someone else are all possibilities if the illness is gone untreated for too long. Treatments are usually a combination of drug therapy and professional counseling that requires immense family support. Anti-depressive drugs may be prescribed and have proven to be very successful in the treatment of depression. The family’s support of the person who is coping with symptoms of depression is vitally important to recovery. Expressions of love, appreciation and normal communication should be the role of the family in the treatment of the person experiencing a depressive state. Other treatments are simple and only require adequate sleep, regular exercising, avoiding illegal drugs and alcohol, and eating a healthy diet. Depression is a serious problem that can be treated effectively if caught before severe depression has began to set in. Take the steps now to prevent serious or fatal consequences if you think that you or someone you know is depressed.

If you are feeling depressed yourself, then you should take action. You may have something stressful in your life. If so, remove it. Our time on life is short, and there is no reason why anyone should spend their precious time worrying about something.
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15 September 2009

Reasons To Improve Your Poor Posture

How often do we think of our posture as an overall body workout? Probably not at all, but it is essential to supporting structures of the body from being injured. Progressive deformities are also prevented by paying attention to your posture. Correct posture is less stress and tension on the joints and some muscles in the hips, back, and neck. If you sit slouching or leaning when standing you are slowly but surely rounding your chances of increased stress relief and osteoporosis. When you talk about posture you are talking about sitting and standing in way that supports your upper and lower back, spine, and hip and ankle joints. If you already suffer from poor posture it is not too late to make corrections. If you stop carrying the laptop bag one shoulder and that heaver pocketbook on the other shoulder and carrying that grocery bag all at the same time. Things may be a little better for your posture if you take your time and put some of those things down or call someone to assist you. Extra added weight adds extra pressure on important parts of the back and neck areas. If you must carry a bag the ones that cross your back and distributed the weight evenly is best.

Problems with posture can begin at very young ages causing problems later in like. Of Course you remember your mother telling you to “sit up straight.” It was with good reason; they were trying desperately to keep you from damaging your spine, hips, and neck. They might not have known it but they were also saving you from musculoskeletal respiratory, circulatory systems, and digestive systems as well. Poor postural habits can be caused by low self esteem, degenerative processes, muscle guarding, and avoidance, or postures that stick over time. For example, if you have been hunching over for as long as you’ve been sitting upright, you find it to be a completely natural position. Excessive weight gain and even excessive weight loss can cause your posture to change.

The best way to begin to the process of correcting poor posture is to have an examination by a doctor to determine the best treatment. Some observations can be done at home. Watch the patient as they sit stand and walk or estimate any deviation from an ideal posture. The doctor however, will actually perform a spinal segment alignment, possibly a flexibility tests, and muscle length and strength test to determine the exact cause of the trouble. Because most of the posture correcting process is related to muscle tightness or weaknesses found during the examination. Once a diagnosis is done then you can concentrate on the solution. The treatments will be very relaxing and maybe even invigorating. Well, first you want to treat the area with heat; stretching, massage and strengthening exercises. Anything extra will spend time on treatment of ligaments, for bones, or nerves for the over all posture treatment. Exercise of antagonist muscles to increase the strength of those muscles providing more power to lift and stretch in a way that is comfortable for the body as opposed to tension causing. So make sure to take good care of your back and other areas of the body that are affected by good posture and enjoy strong muscles, better concentration, and blood circulation.

It may take a period of discomfort and unpleasantness to be able to correct your posture. But once you are able to get the problem taken care of, you will experience benefits for the rest of your life. So as soon as you can, get recommendations from a doctor so that you can find out what course of action you should take for repairing your poor posture. It might involve simply buying a special type of chair, or it might involve expensive chiropractic treatment. No matter what, you should follow through with treatment.
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14 September 2009

How To Get Moving, Stay Fit, And Stay Motivated

When it comes to staying or getting into good shape, motivation may be hard to come by. As the seasons change so do our motivation to stay in shape. Holiday schedules, cold winter days, and all those convient gadgets that keep us from drudging up the motivation to get in shape or maintain a daily routine of exercise are definite culprits. But we should be totally aware of the effects that inactivity has on the body.

Heart disease, stroke or diabetes is just some of the unhealthy affects of inactivity in the body. The good news is that studies show without discrepancy that these affects can be prevented or reversed; meaning that switching from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one can be extremely beneficial over time. Exercise alone, without change in diet, can greatly reduce the risks for these diseases even in small amounts. Doing what ever you can to increase your motivation to exercise is the first step to overcoming the lack of motivation to actually do it. Any of the arrays of methods to motivate you will be of great importance. Listening to music while running, simply finding out the exercises that you truly enjoy, setting particular times when exercise is the main focus of the day, all help you to stay motivated to stay in motion. Developing a habit or pattern for exercising is the best way to stay motivated; your body will become accustomed to working out heavy at a certain time each and every time. Your mind posses the ability to create positive ideas that leads to positive actions allowing you to live a strong and healthy life. Positive self talk can do wonders for motivation as well as just viewing the results of previous attempts (i.e. thinner waistline, six pack, etc). Self encouragement is the ultimate motivation. You’ll have no one to thank but yourself.

Fitness motivation is the essential part of changing your body, so creating a fitness motivation plan maybe the answer for you. For men, setting goals and providing adequate challenges work best. Changing scenery from indoors to outdoors may be the answer. If you just don’t feel like exercising or giving up on an established routine, constantly reminding yourself that the pay off is great will help. Psychological benefits like increased confidence, self-esteem, and relief from anxiety, stress and depression and better sexual performance can be all the motivation that’s needed. Remaining realistic about your goals will also aid in the fight to stay motivated to exercise. Setting a goal that is extremely difficult to obtain is depleting and counterproductive. Achieving a challenging appropriate goal boosts pride, satisfaction and will create more motivation.
Making the exercise routine fun by adding variety in routines, exercises, or persons that you exercise with is a likely way to stick to any exercise routine.

If you are not particularly knowledgeable when it comes to fitness issues, you should consider hiring a professional trainer to help you out with your routine. This can take a lot of the mystery out of getting fit, as your trainer will custom tailor exercises and routines for your bodily needs, so as to maximize the results that you see. This is a slightly costly thing to do, so you should be sure about your commitment to exercising before you spend money to hire a personal trainer. You can also use the amazing technology of the internet to tap the brains of professionals. There are many different blogs that are updated daily with exercise routines that anyone can do.

So setting attainable goals, adding things to increase enjoyment of the exercise routine, challenges, and the addition of a buddy to assist are all great ways to stay motivated, stay fit, and most importantly stay moving. You will benefit in the short term, and in the long run as well with physical and mental benefits in almost every way.
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13 September 2009

Dealing With Stress From Work

Stress. What stress? Sometimes we can get so stressed out that we don’t even notice it ourselves. It becomes part of the daily grind; and who has time for it anyway…you’ve got things to do, right? This may be true but if you do not mange your stress properly it will begin to manage you. Major sources of stress are related to work activities. Issues with competency, uncertainty, and communication can cause us to stress out daily at work and spill over into the home. Control is a factor that is greatly attributed to job stress. People with a great deal of responsibilities without a lot of control over decisions are the most at risk for stress related illnesses like heart failure. Communication problems thicken the pot and cause even more tension. Feeling a little unappreciated lately. If you do not feel supported by coworkers or management it may make resolving issues more difficult, causing even more stress. You may be new and uncertain of your responsibilities or there are too many recurring deadlines. Alright, more and more stress on the job.

Reducing some of this stress will benefit you and your employer. Meeting regularly with your manager or supervisor to discuss problem at least once a year to discuss performance and other issues that affect you on the job may help. Good time management skills and leaving your job at the office and don’t give up any of your free time to catch up on work if you don’t have to. Ahhh…a little relief. Know when to quit. If you are truly unhappy with your job think about changing careers and spend time researching other possibilities. Do the researches before you quit and find a less stressful job. Ahhhhhhhh…even more relief. Engage in much more physical activity to reduce stress and get fit so you are at least more equipped to handle stressors. Ahhhhhhhhh… it is relaxing even more. And last but not least take a vacation if needed and recharge by doing something that you really enjoy. Vacation! Ultimate relaxation achieved.

All might not play out exactly like the description just mentioned. The point here is to find ways to relax yourself. Ultimately there is no one to take better care of you than you. If you find that you are experiencing more tension than you can handle take immediate action to resolve whatever it is that is causing you so much stress and work on eliminating or decreasing them. So instead of letting the root of the problem continue unabated while you frantically try to get rid of the stress it creates, you should get to the root and eliminate whatever it is that is making you stressed. Even if it means changing your lifestyle dramatically, or quitting your job and living cheaply for a few months, it is worth it in the end since stress can be such a harmful thing. You can try talking to your employer to see if it would be possible to have a more relaxed work day. Tell him or her about your health issues that are resulting from stress.

Unless you are one of those individuals who thrive in a high pressure environment and positive results are evident in your health and performance there may be a big need for change. Stress can be the single cause of depression, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, and reek havoc on your family or behavior. Don’t allow the advances in technology to separate you from your family and friends. Disconnect from cell phones and the internet and separate your time from the employers’ time. Begin to enjoy the time you spend alone or with family and friends, enjoy that long book, take that weekend get away that you’ve been putting off for months. If you don’t do any of these things, find a way to relax somehow, so that the effects of job related stress don’t lead you straight to burnout and drain you out of your precious life.
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Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer, one of the most common forms of cancer in men, is not widely talked about in male circles. Yet, statistics have shown that one in six men should expect this diagnosis. This slow growing disease and today’s treatments ensure that only a few may die from it. Of course, the more you know about the disease the better the chance of being one of the few to prevention and fighting it if necessary. High risk category patients will be those who have a family history or are currently experiencing symptoms, but regular examination can spot the cancer early by testing the amount of prostate-specific antigens in the blood. Using the most effective means of testing is the digital rectal exam where the doctor inserts a finger into the rectum and manually checks for abnormalities on the prostate. As uncomfortable as this may seem, priority will encourage you to seek regular testing the catch the cancer early to increase the chances of experiencing the effects of prostate cancer, which are much more uncomfortable than the examination.

Prostate cancer in its most common form develops in the glandular cells, typically very slowly with the possibility to spread to areas surrounding the prostate and continuing to attack the lymph nodes, lings, liver, and possibly other organs if not quickly diagnosed and treated. The prostate gland is walnut sized in the front of the rectum and below the bladder and produces the fluid that protects and supply nourishment to the sperm cells. The scary part about prostate cancer (and many other types of cancer as well) is that the signs are not always immediately noticeable. You may have the disease for months before it grows big enough to become noticeable, and by then it may be too late. Therefore if you have even the slightest suspicion of a tumor, you should get an examination just to be doubly sure.

While the risks of prostate cancer increases with age it is also more likely to occur in black men rather than white and Hispanic men; and occurrences appear to be extremely low in Asian men. The reason for this is still unknown but at any rate, family history plays a big factor and can double your risks of actually contracting prostate cancer. Many cases of prostate cancer are symptom free with minor notification like difficulty in urination, hip and /or back pain, burning during urination, or just a weak stream of urine, or pain during ejaculation. The encouragement to see a doctor if you experience these symptoms won’t be necessary as most men will immediately seek medical attention if these symptoms occur. Detection of the cancer is priority one, and if detected the doctor will then grade the cancer stage from 1 to 5 depending on the amount and presence of the number of cancerous cells as compared to the amount of abnormal cells. A determination of the aggressiveness of the cancer is then evaluated to produce what is called a Gleason score. The higher the score the more aggressive the cancer.

There is high hope of cure if detected and treated early. Treatments include the watch and wait approach which, as the name implies, monitors the progression for slow growing cancerous cells. Radiation treatments that can be linked to impotence, Radical prostatectomy where the prostate gland is removed, Chemotherapy drugs used for advanced stages, or hormone therapy which can slow the progression and manage the disease. The main point is to seek immediate care if you think that you may be experiencing problems and not to let the examination scare you out of your chances for survival. Take care of your body, particularly as you enter the older stages of your life. Being cautious leads to longevity and happiness, and prostate cancer is certainly something that you need to be cautious about. For further reading, check out a book from your library, or ask for literature from your doctor.
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