22 August 2007

Face tonic for natural healthy

We often find this fruit ordinary at above put cake to add its aesthetical, but actually fruit strawberi this can cure anaemia disease, dry skin, lender's membrane inflammation and frequent heart palpitates.

Iron substance content and fructose that exists on strawberi will make your visible visage fresh and becoming young. This constitutes natural medicine to you only by drink strawberi's juice, this constitutes face tonic and at a swoop skin cleaner what do work from within your body. One that constitute cosmetic's benefit divides women.
Over and above drink 0,5 glasses every day juice strawberi will reduce anaemia effect diseases, heart and lender's membrane inflammation.

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16 August 2007

Do you get stroke's indication?

Stroke is diseased sindroma one befalls to rack brains someone catches at its happening effect blood streaming gagging go to to rack brains or its veined break racks brains.
At forward State, stroke constitutes breakneck disease after coroner heart disease and cancercous. Stroke can also evoke blemish on tubuk we.

To tackling stroke that momentous is preventive. And to do it we shall know happening indication factors its stroke. patogenesa's ala (its happening mechanism) stroke is happen it various interactive ala aught indication factor in body. Indication factor mechanism usually has happened long time in advance until its happening stroke's attack, happen adagio ala (chronic) progressive (silent killer).
Indication factor is grouped as two factions:
1. indication factor group that can't at modification.
For example consisting of:
- age
- etnik / is race
- Herediter (came of)
- Gender
- stroke's trouble previous demulcent
Reputed age as factor of indication because evident troke's instance outgrows to be suffered by age group upon 50 years

2.indication factor group that can at modification.
For example:
- Hypertension
- Heart disease (coroner)
- Tall blood fat (cholesterol, trigliserida)
- Mellitus's diabetes
- Lupus Eritematosus sistemik
- Obesitas( over weight)
- Alcohol and smoke consumption
- Preventative pill user pregnancy
- Tall homosistein rate
- Stress is kronik's mental
- Abnormality (anomali) innate vein comes into the world (aneurisma, AVM)
- Insufficiently sporting

If you have that indication factor that get effort to arrange prevention activity or minimize its happening possible stroke. Which is by cures or restrain indication factor with changes life style, for example fix eating pattern, avoid to smoking refraction and alcohol drink, avoid stress and patient.

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10 August 2007

Utility numbers Carrot for cure to experience

Carrot benefit in natural medicine facet experiences to cover: meeting the need dalm's calcium processes bone growth, avoiding infection (on eye,tonsil, tonsil, nasal cavity,throated and respiratory), usu's healing bounces up or ulcer, triggering adrenalin gland, exhaustive karean carrot cream at porous by our body.

If we drink carrot juice as much 1 glass every day that menyehatkan warms up over and above get as natural medicine to reduce cataract disease / disease to wink which is ametropic perception.

Important substance substance one is gotten in sangata's carrot is required in trigger endocrine work function, notably adrenalin and genital gland so gets to fix system man and also animal reproduction.
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06 August 2007

Lime assuages tuberculosis

Lime (lemon with ordinary pocket edition at vesture for condiment cooks) are botanical one get at makes nature medicines. Before China person call lime water that at water mingling warms and that sugar as “ ka ma cui ”, and is drunk as refreshment or traditional tonic , since vitamin content c tall one really can cool down spontaneous body.

Over and above as condiment, this lime is beneficent soften suffocating tuberculosis chest and hurts red lane, its trick:
- takings 1 or 2 limes, then clefts to become two
- on part that is clefted re cover meagrely whiting or salt
- after itru roasts hot aforesaid lemon candle fire
- after boil cool for a while and in a state direct warming to be blackjacked into patient mouth coughs that for directly been devoured.
Skin or rest already at its water takings previous that still warming can be utilized to be dabbed at under-side jugular and diseased patient chest that, constituting natural cures that in on lime fruit

To is suffer headache, and fever, lime water that is mixed meagrely eau de Cologne then at dabs at hair carries the wind will shortly soften its grief. Beside it lime water dashed with by honey and 1 protein tablespoon if is drunk gets to assuage difficult tuberculosis gets phlegm.

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03 August 2007

Star Fruit downs hypertension

This plant( star fruit) usually grows at trop., and there is type kind sort it. There is that gets to form ordinary little for used cook vegetable and there is also that its big form one comes from Thailand. To Star Fruit that pocket edition that its taste acid can make juice who can cure to down high blood pressure (hypertension) with drinks it( star fruit's juice) one day 3 times each 1 tablespoon. This will become the natural medicines for you.

Meanwhile star fruit's one measure outgrows, its kernel texture that a lot of aqueous also fibrous, so pretty good to smoothen digestion function and clears intestine from crust fat that tending begets constipation. Numbers star fruit so delicate and fresh to be eaten you afters lunches, besides it also beneficent as descending as blood pressure even is not as lovely as star fruit little type that really sour once
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02 August 2007

Coconut increases man potency

Still remembers Harry's song belafobte some tens last year that gets “Coconut Woman's “title. There Is umpteen that song poem one declares for that “ drink young coconut water cans be as strong as lion “ and plays favorites our even society belive that leathered young coconut water green have hidden magis force

There is recipe to settle impotent one berates young coconut as material as its main.
Takings one young coconut that stills fresh( new is plucked from its tree), then holes largish so a kampong chicken egg yolk can at entry to in it, lau is added 7 numbers merica black already being milled by grounds and to be shuffled along froths (sticking out its spume).

After the whole lot intermingled rolled out, shortly drinks by drink it until nothing left at a swoop. Evenless to be drunk regularly up to minimal one week in a row, therefore exhausted man potency will be back raising hell and rage, so “ as strong as lion ” as poem of Harry Belafonte's song upon previous. If potency have healthy returns, adequately drinks it 2 weeks once or even a monthly, just as to pet that setabil this wills be alternative natural medicines.

Young coconut besides to increase man potency, also as salving as nature to cure heat in or deman is heat , which is with drink its water as much 2 – 3 glasses one day. May also be eaten by its kernel that still soft or nice it, so fresh potion gets young coconut material that beside savory also at a swoop cures.

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01 August 2007

Healer person blood reducing

Types myriad grape it, but red colored wine few black and have ripe / cooks besides taste it is delicate also stand in good stead to cure disease under the weather blood or insufficiently blood and kardiovaskular's function trouble.

With eat vicinity wine 100 grams everyday you will feel body feel fresh and as more spirit and enthusiastic , since grape also trusted as aprodisiakum

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